By Car

Among the 74 streets of Little Venice

Chioggia is also known as the “little Venice“, for the deep similarities with Venice: urban, social, economic and cultural ones. Yet, the city has maintained and defended its originality and traditions, but also its own charm that Venice itself can envy.

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Umbrellas where there were vegetable gardens

Sottomarina is the largest beach in Chioggia, built on a narrow strip of land that separates the lagoon from the sea, bordered by the mouth of the Brenta-Bacchiglione rivers and the port of San Felice.

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Between sea and lagoon

Pellestrina. A long strip of earth and sand, quilted colourful fishermen’s houses, marked by a strip of asphalt that unfolds along an ancient city wall made of huge blocks of stone as white as snow.

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Among the trees of an ancient forest

Bosco Nordio. At Sant’Anna di Chioggia, between the Romea and the sea, lies the Integral Natural Reserve of Bosco Nordio, which is an important relic forest widespread in the past along the upper Adriatic coast.

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The mother of the Adriatic

Adria. City of ancient origin. In the sixth century BC Adria was the centre of great strategic importance and crossroads of trade inland waterway to the North of Italy and Europe, so that the Greeks gave the name Adriatic to this sea. In the fifth and sixth century BC The Etruscans make it famous, until

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At the mouth of the longest river in Italy

Po Delta. The Delta Park is the largest among the regional parks. It occupies the major portion of the territory of the regions of Veneto and Emilia Romagna, from Porto Tolle in Ravenna, via Po of Goro, the Valleys of Comacchio, the Piallasse Ravenna, the Saline di Cervia, inland wetlands freshwater Valleys Campotto, woods and

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